Thursday, May 10, 2012

Gardening Ideas

Mandevilla Flower grown in hanging basket. Tro...
Mandevilla Flower grown in hanging basket. Tropical flower that needs plenty of warmth. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mother's Day is just around the corner, and flower shops and nurseries around the nation are buzzing with families wondering which flowers mom would like the best. For most of us flower novices, there are a few things in particular you should look for before buying an expensive flat of flowers: The amount of sunlight it needs to have, how big it will grow, how often it blooms, and whether or not it will survive more than one growing season. Here's a few ideas of what you could do for your mom to make her garden or backyard awesome.

Take out a few feet of grass leading up to the house fertilize it, plant it with flowers, and mulch it. Not only will this look great, but the plants should help soak up rainwater, helping prevent leaks in your basement. This is especially helpful if you plant large bushes or shrubs. Be careful with your tools around the house though, especially if you have log siding or wooden products around your house that could be nicked or damaged by a shovel.

Hang a few hanging baskets around the house. Many hanging baskets don't require much sunlight and just need to be watered every other day. Tomatoes can come in hanging basket form as well, making it easy for those without enough space for a garden. Make sure you put it in a spot that will get plenty of sunlight, and can't be reached by any hungry animals! If you have a pool, hang a few of the hanging baskets around your pool liner, which will give it a professional look and natural look for something that isn't so natural in the first place.

Most of all, spend some time with your mom if you can, and have a great Mother's Day weekend!

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